Saturday 6 October 2012

Bright side and the dark side.

This morning, i had a bad dream about 'him', not very pleasing indeed. He gave me new hope last Wednesday then i almost lost it today. In my dreams, he was letting me go. Which broke my heart in little pieces, all i need was crying, on the spot call him. My second call he pick up, i guess it was 5 or 6 in the morning. My heart was relief when he started to talk, but he fall asleep half way. Hahahahaha~
Its the typical him,it always like that.

He told me that he could meet me today, i quickly change then drive off. The hug he gave was very peaceful to me, i didn't want to tell him cause i don't want to burden him since his sick and having his family issue going on.
I just cried and hug him, it has been such a long time since i heard his heartbeat. The long is was, the faster the heartbeat pumps.

I always turn away, when he touch his phone. Mainly, my reason was Im jealous. It's not always i can spend time with him, one on one. I would apperciate it if he kept it way. On the other hand, i can't complain it is because he have other responsibility to someone else. That's why i keep quite about it.

Nothing goes better then seeing Daniel after so long, he told me it was a year since i last saw him. I don't agree, i surely remember the last time i saw him was when he came down from the staircase, his face was damn angry and keep say to his brother that Im not very welcome.

That was January ! Actually only nine months, i never saw him. How did it became a year ?

He grow up so fast, i was shocked to see him. He change a lot, both of them are handsome. Just that, Daniel is tall, dark and a bit fatty. Meanwhile, his big brother is, like the guy who knows how to wear suits. Big boss style ! When he wore casual, his just normal but then you see the face. You will drop. Why ? The longer you look at him, you will realized his handsome as well.

I like guys, who knows how to rock the outfit with suits, my type of guy. HAHAHAHAHA~
I mention it before, you get the picture.

Bitter and sweet roll into one. Good memories.

Im having tummy pain, i hope Im fine. Feel like wanna vomit. Hope nothing major happens.

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